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Want to get involved?

Whether you love nights out or not, your story matters! We're looking for young women to join an exciting study about experiences on nights out in bars, pubs, clubs, and everything in between!

Image by Jacalyn Beales

What's This Study About?

This study is part of a PhD project by Shannon Hughes Spence at SETU, supervised by Dr. Irena Loveikaite, Dr. Meabh Savage, and Dr. John O’Brien.

We're interested in hearing all perspectives – whether nightlife is your favourite escape or something you’re unsure about, your experiences are valuable!

Who Can Take Part?

Check if you meet these criteria to participate:

- Are you a cisgender woman aged 18-24?

- Are you a student at SETU (Waterford Campus)?

- Do you go out regularly (at least once a week) and/or occasionally (once a month)?

- Do you have a smartphone with a camera?

Image by Peter Kalonji
Disco Ball

Why Should You Join?

Your insights will help us understand why women go out, how they feel in nightlife spaces, and what their ideal night out looks like.

By sharing your experiences, you’ll contribute to informing policymakers and practitioners on how to improve the night-time experience for women from a woman's perspective.

How Will It Work?

It’s simple and flexible. Here’s what you'll do:

1. Make contact 📞 - Email Shannon using your personal (not student) email to express your interest in participating. She will send you a consent form and some more information.

2. Capture Your Experience 📸 – Take 3 photos on your next night out, representing your experience. These could be of spaces, objects, or symbols – but no people or identifiable details.

3. Send Us Your Photos ✉️ – Email them to Shannon using your personal (not student) email.

4. Let’s Chat! 🗣️ – We'll set up two interviews (about 60 minutes each) on campus (or online, whatever suits you!) to talk about your photos and fill out a brief demographic questionnaire. We’ll explore your thoughts and feelings about nightlife!

Image by Jernej Graj
Image by Yutacar

Is Participation Voluntary?

Yes! Your participation is completely voluntary, and you can opt out at any time, for any reason.

There’s no pressure, no compensation, and no costs to you. Whether you participate or not, your relationship with SETU or its staff won’t be affected.


Rest assured, all interviews will be confidential.

Contact Information:

If you want to get involved, express your interest by emailing Shannon at

Image by Patrick Ho
Drinking Martinis

Ethical approval

This research has been approved by the SETU Research Ethics Committee.


If you have any questions about your rights as a participant, contact the Ethics Chair at:

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